Delve into the enchanting world of these remarkable avian creatures, celebrated by the American Bird Conservancy as a "veritable avian submarine." In the summertime northern forests, their mastery of swimming and diving captivates all who encounter them. Their haunting calls reverberate through the wilderness, painting the nights with an unforgettable melody. With striking features including red eyes, white necklaces, and distinctive black-and-white checkerboard backs, they command attention on the vast woodland lakes during breeding season. By supporting Bird Collective and purchasing this embroidered patch, you're not just acquiring a piece of outdoor flair; you're contributing to the vital conservation efforts of the American Bird Conservancy. With 20% of profits dedicated to protecting native birds and their habitats across the Western Hemisphere, every purchase makes a meaningful impact. Each patch, measuring 3.1" wide x 1.2" high, serves as a symbol of your commitment to preserving the beauty and biodiversity of our natural world.