Embark on a heartwarming stargazing adventure with "Up Where the Stars Are," a special picture book that promises to ignite your child's imagination. Meet Andrew Moore, a unique boy with a penchant for smiling, laughing, and enchanting outings. Although he may not talk or run like other children, his extraordinary journey takes flight into the night sky, where he encounters constellations and befriends Andromeda. When Andromeda faces a sea monster threat, Andrew teams up with Pegasus, the flying horse, in a quest filled with bravery and magic. Authored by the award-winning Ryan Jacobson and illustrated by Michelle Hazelwood Hyde, this uplifting story highlights the positive power of imagination and celebrates each child's unique gifts. "Up Where the Stars Are" also introduces young readers to nine constellations, providing instructions for spotting them in the night sky. With the assistance and support of the Angelman Syndrome Foundation, a portion of the book's proceeds contributes to the foundation's meaningful work.